Comparing Java with Python - What's the Difference ?


Head-To-Head Comparison: Compilation

Java is compiled language that converts compiled code to bytecode and runs on platforms having JVM, while Python is interpreted language that uses Python interpreter to run programs.


Head-To-Head Comparison: Multiple inheritances

In Java, multiple inheritances can be partially implemented through interfaces, but in Python, single and multiple inheritances are easy to implement.


Head-To-Head Comparison: Frameworks

Java supports a variety of frameworks, including Spring, Blade, Hibernate, etc., whereas Python supports a limited number of frameworks, such as Django and Flask.


Head-To-Head Comparison: Database Support

Java offers stable connectivity, and JDBC is widely used to connect to databases, whereas, Python offers weak connectivity, and its database access layer is weaker than Java's JDBC.


Head-To-Head Comparison: Static/Dynamic

As a statically typed and compiled language, Java is faster and easier to debug, and as a dynamically typed language, Python is easier to use, read, and understand than Java.


Explore More Java and Python Differences by Clicking the Link Below.