Typescript vs  Javascript


What's the difference?


What is JavaScript?

A cross-platform programming language for creating web pages, backend servers, and interactive apps. With sophisticated features and functionality, it makes static pages more dynamic.


What is TypeScript?

A syntactic superset of JavaScript, TypeScript adds static typing options. It is designed to handle the development of large applications and can be compile to JavaScript.


Comparison based on Typing

While JavaScript is loosely typed and supports only dynamic typing, TypeScript is strongly typed and supports both static and dynamic typing.


Comparison based on Ecosystem

TypeScript is an intuitive language with static typing, while JavaScript is a simple language with code optimization for compatibility.


Comparison based on Compilation

TypeScript must be compiled, whereas JavaScript does not.


Comparison based on Annotations

Annotations are not required in JavaScript, while TypeScript requires annotations to fully utilize JavaScript features.


Comparison based on Error Detection

Since JavaScript is an interpreted language, errors are only detected at run time, whereas in TypeScript, errors are detected during early development stage.


Comparison based on Execution

JavaScript runs directly on the browser and is cross-platform, cross-browser compatible, whereas the TypeScript script does not run directly on the browser.


Click below for a detailed comparison between JavaScript and TypeScript.