Difference between C# and C++

A Side-by-Side Comparison


Looking to level up your programming knowledge? Dive into the world of C++ and C#, two of the most widely used programming languages. Let's explore C++ and C# together!


A combination of object-oriented & class functionality. It's an intermediate language, easier to learn if you know C, allows multiple inheritance & has numerous libraries based on Standard Template Library.

What is C++?


C# or C Sharp is a high-level object-oriented programming language. It is built over C &  introduced with .NET & Visual Studio. C# compilers expect a specific set of class libraries for its functioning.

What is C#?


 - Being built directly over C, C++ combines high-level language with low-level language. It is an intermediate language.   - C# is a high-level programming language.

Comparison based on Language Type


 - C++ compiles programs to machine code.   - C# compiles programs to CLR (Common Machine Runtime) that is interpreted by JIT in ASP.NET.

Comparison based on Compilation Process


 - With C++, you can develop standalone applications or applications that run locally without relying on any other functions.   - C# cannot be used to develop standalone applications.

Comparison based on Standalone Apps


 - Currently, C++ does not support the cleaning of unreferenced elements within a program.   - C# supports cleaning of unreferenced parts of a program.

Comparison based on Garbage Collection


 - In C++, memory management is done manually.           - The memory management in C# is automatic.

Comparison based on Memory Management


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