HTML Projects  to Enhance Your Web Development Skills


Create a static page for an event with HTML and CSS. Organize the page into sections, choose fonts and colors, and include a registration button.

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1. The Event or Conference Web Page

2. Landing Page

Build a creative landing page using HTML and CSS. Learn to align objects, create columns, and use color combinations effectively.

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3. Technical Documentation

Develop a technical documentation page using HTML, CSS, & JavaScript. Enable clickable subjects to load relevant content. 

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4. Own Portfolio

Develop a personal portfolio website using HTML5 & CSS3. Showcase your name, picture, projects, & skills. Include a brief description & social media links.

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5. Website with a Parallax Effect

Create a parallax website with fixed images and scrolling effects. Divide the page into sections, adjust margins, & use CSS elements to achieve the parallax effect.

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6. Music Shop Page

Design a music shop website using HTML5 & CSS3. Include menus to list songs by genre, year, performer, album, etc. Add an appealing background image & descriptions.

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7. Photography-Related Website

Build a responsive one-page photography website with HTML5 and CSS3. Pay attention to margins, color combinations, font styles, image sizes, & button styling.

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8. Restaurant's Official Webpage

Create an attractive restaurant website with appealing layouts, clean fonts, and a captivating color palette. Include a picture gallery and relevant navigation links.

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9. WhatsApp Web Clone

Develop a messaging app clone with text-based communication and data administration. Customize it to your liking while implementing the core functionality.

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10. Clone of the BBC News Website

Recreate the BBC News website with screenshots and interactive components. Showcase your creativity through color choices and user interface design.

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So, What's Next?

Time to roll up your sleeves, pick a project, & embark on your path to success! Discover a world of HTML project ideas & choose the one that suits you best with InterviewBit!

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