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Low-Level Design of Payment Apps
By Naman Bhalla, Lead Instructor
02:00 PM 20 March 2025
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Top 15 Android Project Ideas (With Source Code)

Android Projects


Android is an open-source operating system for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. It is a modified version of the Linux Kernel and it was first built a couple of decades ago by the Open Handset Alliance which was sponsored by Google. Later, Google took over the whole company and released several versions such as Banana Bread, Cupcake, Jellybeans, Lollipop, Marshmallow, KitKat, Oreo, etc. Today, Android is the largest operating system installed on a major chunk of mobile phones. This is also because Android does not only operate on Mobile phones but also on various devices like Tablets, Smart TVs, smartwatches, Notebooks, Set-top boxes, etc. According to a study, 72% of smartphones run on the Android Operating System. This implies that there’s a serious need for Android development and in the world advancing technically with every day that goes by, the need for good android developers today is more than ever before. Every company from local one to multinational ones is looking for skilled Android developers. 

Developing android projects plays a vital role in the life of an android developer because android development projects, ranging from beginner to advanced level, are not only the best but also the easiest way to learn android. All you need to develop an Android application is the basic know-how and an understanding of the languages Java and Kotlin. Earlier Java was the official language for Android which changed to Kotlin in 2017. But you can use any of the languages to build android applications. So before you get a hands-on experience of the real world, start with some sample android projects to get the gist of what goes into creating and executing them. Following in the article are the top 15 android projects along with their source code that you must take up in order to polish your skills.

Android Project Ideas For Beginners

Below are the 5 android project ideas for absolute beginners along with the source code.

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Tic Tac Toe Game

Tic tac toe is a two-player game wherein the players will have to choose either X or O in a 3×3 grid. The first player can choose any position in the grid and both will get one move at a time, one after the other. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game. In the backend, the game will maintain a 2-D array to save the current state of the 3×3 grid. A function will be made to check if the box that’s clicked by the player in the displaying grid is empty or not and will decide to put up an image of O if the previous one was X and vice versa. And when the consecutive images match, the game ends.

Tools/ languages required – Android Studio, Java, XML.
Source Code – Tic Tac Toe

Photo Management Application

The next android project idea for beginners is a photo management application. In this application, users would be able to see all the images present in their device in a grid layout structure. They would also be able to capture new images that would get stored on their device. This is a very basic project but it would definitely help you in learning important concepts. By building this project you’ll learn how any android application communicates with the internal storage of any device. You’ll also use the CameraX library for enabling image capture options. You’ll also learn about how to do image processing using Picasso or any other image library.

Tools/ languages required – Android Studio, Java or Kotlin, CameraX library, and Picasso.
Source Code – Photo Management

News Application

Coming to the next project idea which is a news application that would use an API(Application Programming Interface) for fetching the news from a server. API will work as an interface between your application and server, it will bring news and you will display all those news in a RecyclerView in your application. Users would click on a particular news item and it would open in their mobile browser. With building this application you’ll learn how to use libraries like Volley or Retrofit for making network calls and image display. You can extend this project for any other use case also by adding different APIs. 

Tools/ languages required – Android Studio, Java or Kotlin, Volley or Retrofit library.
Source Code – News App

Music Application

The next project idea is to build a music application. In this application, the user would be able to search for a song present in their phone storage. They would be able to play, pause, and stop a song. Your application will fetch all the songs from phone storage and will display it in the form of a list. It will take input from the user and search accordingly. By building this project, you’ll learn how to work with background services because the music application would be running in the background along with other apps. So, your music app should be run as a background thread. You’ll also learn how to provide notifications with play, pause, previous song, and next song buttons. 

Tools/ language required – Android Studio, Java or Kotlin, XML, SQL for the local database.
Source Code – Music App

Tuition Notes Application

The next android project idea is a Tuition Notes Application. This application will keep the track of the student’s tuition classes that they did and did not attend. The tutor will regularly mark the attendance of students and upload notes. The application will also have a parents’ module so that they can keep track of their child and keep abreast with the tutor. The admin will be the tutor who will then add the students and their parents. They’ll log in with their credentials and use the application. Students would be able to see or download the tuition notes uploaded by the tutor in pdf format. Parents and students both would be able to see attendance records.

Tools/ languages required – Android Studio, Java or Kotlin, JSON/ XML.
Source Code – Notes App

Intermediate Android Projects

Now, let’s discuss some intermediate android project ideas that you can definitely add to your resume or portfolio.

Online Exam Application

Conducting exams offline is really overwhelming, especially in times like Covid. So having an online exam application is the best option to opt for where the exam can be conducted without much hustle-bustle. The project will have two modules:

  • Admin module wherein the examinations will be scheduled, notice will be circulated, and all the candidates’ accounts will be viewed or added or removed if needed.
  • Candidate module wherein the accounts will be created or deleted to give the exam. Also, passwords can be changed in this module in order to secure the account.

Tools/ languages required – Android Studio, Java, XML with configuration system, Android Emulator, firebase authentication, and real-time database.
Source Code – Exam App

Online voting system

Mini Voting System

Standing in long queues and waiting for your turn for voting is no less than a challenge. This is where the online voting system comes into play. It will click the snap of the voters and verify it with the already existing data. And once the identity is confirmed, OTP (One Time Password) will be sent to their phone numbers. Subsequently, the voters can vote in a hassle-free manner. This will have two modules- admin and user. The admin will create and schedule voting and users will vote. There will be OTP generation, face verification, and voting.

Tools/ languages required – Android Studio, XML, JAVA, Android Emulator.
Source Code – Voting System

Train Food Application

Android project idea: The next android project idea is to build a food delivery application for passengers traveling long distances by train. Since not everyone likes the food served at railway stations, it is always a good option to order food online and make the journey even more pleasant. This application would require three modules- the restaurant/café, the delivery person, and the passengers. All three would be able to log in to the application. After logging in they will be prompted for user role selection.

  • Passenger: A passenger will see a home screen loaded with a variety of food items that they can order. Passengers would be able to see all their ordered items along with their status in a separate section. They would also see the current location of the delivery person.
  • Restaurant:  If any restaurant logs in they will see some admin features like add a new food item, update details of existing items, mark unavailable any item, so on and so forth. Admins would be able to upload images of the food item while uploading details.  Admins would be able to see placed orders and can accordingly prepare and deliver the food.
  • Delivery Person: Delivery person would be able to see all his orders with their status like assigned, completed, rejected and so on. 

The food will be ordered from the restaurant to the passenger and the delivery person available will be allocated the task to deliver the package.

Tools/ language required – Android location services, Android studio, Java or Kotlin, XML, Object-Oriented Programming, Firebase authentication and real-time database, libraries like Picasso and circular image library.
Source Code – Train Food Delivery

Women Safety Application

Android project idea: The women’s safety application will aim at providing the utmost safety to women. All they need to do is register themselves on the application and as soon as they sense something shady, they’ll press the power button thrice, and consequently, their location will be sent to the nearest police station and emergency contacts. If the woman reaches a safe space, she can press the stop button. This will have three modules- 

  • Admin module that will manage the application, view the user details and track the location.
  • The user module will be used by the women registered on the application. After registering themselves users would need to add details like emergency contacts, location etc. 
  • The guardian module will be the well-wishers of the users. They will also have to register on the application.

This application would have a shake detector, which that means on shaking the device, SOS messages will be sent to registered contact numbers. It will also send the last known location with a google map link to registered contacts.

Tools/languages required – Android Studio IDE, Xampp, Android SDK, Android Emulator, Java, and basic XML, Firebase authentication, and real-time database.
Source Code – Women Safety App

Online Vaccination

Since infants and toddlers are at a higher risk of getting infections and diseases, owing to their low immune systems, getting them vaccinated is crucial. So this application will gather all the relevant information about the babies and will help them get vaccinated (if they haven’t already) so that they stay away from any possible harm. This application will have two modules: 

  • Admin module: Admins would be able to post available slots for vaccination, and generate reports and vaccination certificates. They would be able to fetch records of any user to see whether they have been vaccinated or not.
  • User module: Where users would be able to register themselves and then log in to see available slots for vaccination, book an appointment and download vaccination certificates. They would also be able to see how many doses they have taken yet. 

Tools/languages required – Android Studio, JAVA, XML, User Interface.
Source Code – Vaccination

Advanced Android Project Ideas

Let’s discuss some advanced android projects now.

Panchayat Services Application

This application will avail panchayat for the villagers at any time, which will ease the process of filing complaints and getting solutions timely. The upcoming projects, programs, etc. (if any) can also be updated on the application so that the villagers get notified. The application will have two modules- the Admin module which allows the admins to view and alter the details of the users and the User module where the users will make their account to avail all the facilities and schemes provided.

Tools/languages required -Android Studio with Java, XML, a chatbox, firebase authentication, and real-time database.
Source Code – Panchayat App

Women Jobs Application

This application will help and support working women and women willing to work. This will provide them opportunities and platforms to work. The application will also have a chat box so that employers and employees can communicate with each other directly.

This application will have two modules – the admin module (recruiters) and the user module (women/ job seekers). The recruiters will post the jobs with the description to find the suitable candidate(s) for the position whereas the job seekers will apply to the jobs they fit in. Candidates would be able to add their details, and upload their resume, social links (Linkedin or Twitter), past experience, area of interest, expected CTC, and other such things. They can see current job openings and can filter out the jobs as per their requirements. They can also see details of the person who’s posted the job. Recruiters would be able to post a job, search for candidates according to the profile, and see the candidate’s resume with all other details. Recruiters can reach out to candidates directly via the chat feature. Recruiters would also be able to schedule an interview and candidates would be able to join. That means you have to add a video conferencing feature to this application.

Tools/languages required – Android Studio, Java programming, Firebase authentication, and real-time database.
Source Code – Recruitment App


The next advanced android project idea is the E-banking application. This application would work as the moderator between the users and banks. The users can create and maintain their accounts, set or change passwords and avail themselves of the bank facilities without having to go there physically. They can transfer money online and their transactions will be saved in the application. The app will start out with a login screen, in which the user can either log in with an existing profile or click a button and create a new profile. When signed in, the user will be brought to their dashboard page and will be prompted to make their first account. Additionally, there will be a menu that includes all of the options for the app, including Dashboard, Account Overview (and subsequently Transactions), Deposits, Payments, Transfers, Profile Settings, and Logout. 

Tools/ languages required – Android Studio, Android Emulator, Java, JSON, SQLite Database.
Source Code – E-Banking

Hostel Management Application

Hostel Management Application

This application will help manage the hostel better. The hostel managers can keep track of the hostellers’ in and out timings and their daily entries. There will be three modules in this app: 

  • Admin: Users of this module would have total control over the details and the hostellers’ accounts. They would be able to monitor all the activities of hostellers such as their in and out timings and mess attendance. 
  • Hosteller:  Users of this module would be able to log in and see their entry and exit timings in and from the hostel. 
  • Staff: Users of the staff module would be able to update the timings of hostellers, mark their mess attendance. 

Tools/languages required – Android Studio, Android Emulator, Java, Firebase, Butterknife library, Glide library.
Source Code – Hostel App

Ayurvedic Remedies Application

Ayurveda is hands down the best cure for any and every disease that exists. This application will ask the users to enter their health-related details so that the cure to their disease can be provided to them accordingly by the consultants and experts. There will be two modules, first one will be the Admin (Doctors) module to view the posted health issues and details and provide solutions for the same. The second one will be the User (Patient) module where the problems and health history will be posted by the users to get ayurvedic solutions along with detailed reports. A payment gateway can also be added to this application. Doctors will charge some consultation fees and users will pay. Users would also be able to download medical receipts after making the payment. 

Tools/languages required – Android Studio, XML, JAVA for frontend and PHP and SQL using Xampp for the backend.
Source Code – Ayurvedic App


Preceding were the top 15 Android project ideas to get you started and continue brushing up and enhancing your skills at different levels. Working on these projects will give you a new perspective on things and you will discover things you never knew before. Also, after completely building an app, try publishing it on Google Play Store so as to get an idea of publishing the app as well. So what are you waiting for? Choose one or more of these and step into the world of Android or create one for yourself (pun intended).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Kotlin vs Java: Which is better?

Ans. Android is built almost entirely on Java and has been around for more than 20 years. Kotlin, however, is not the official language of Android. Kotlin is faster to write and compile because it has a smaller code size and it also prevents applications from increasing in size. On the other hand, Java provides a faster application experience due to its compact and light size. So the language you choose depends upon what the project demands and what interests you personally. However, for beginners, it is recommended to learn Java first.

2. What is an API in Android?

Ans. API, short for Application Programming Interface is a set of programming instructions and standards used to communicate with a web tool or a database. API is used for exchanging information with a website, and for receiving or sending data. The end-user sends the request, the API executes the command and receives the data from the server, and responds to the user. The web API usually contains many publicly displayed conclusions that accept HTTP requests and respond to the requested data, usually in the form of JSON or XML. Other popular web APIs are Google, Facebook, Flickr, and Twitter.

3. What can you make with Android Studio?

Ans. Android Studio provides an integrated environment where apps for Android phones, tablets, Android Wear, Android TV, and Android Auto can be built. It fully supports you to edit C / C ++ project files so you can build JNI components into your app much quicker, and also provides a Firebase Assistant to help you connect your app to Firebase and add services like analytics, verification, alerts, and more with step-by-step processes.

4. What is the full form of APK?

Ans. APK stands for Android Application Package. It is a file format that is used to install a file in an operating system. The application on android is pre-assembled, and all its components are packed into a single file within the APK file. APK files can be saved in compressed zip format, with any uninstall or unzip tool open. The extension can also be converted to .zip or can also be opened directly using unzip tools. 

5. What is an SDK key?

Ans. An SDK key is used to activate and authenticate the Software Development Kit. Software Development Kit basically contains a specific set of software development tools that a developer needs to build an application for a particular platform. SDK Key is generated by the platforms for developers and using these SDK credentials developers can access the software development kit.

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