Here’s How To Become A Blockchain Developer in 2023 – Salary, Resume, and Skills You Need

Blockchain Developer

One quick search on job hunt platforms like LinkedIn and AngelList it’s quite evident that the Blockchain field is one of the highest paying in the job market right now. One of the most active buzzwords in the tech field and arguably the most revolutionary technology in the past decade, Blockchain is widely regarded as the “Technology of the Future”.

Owing to the popularity of Blockchain— the eagerness of the users to hop onto a “decentralized” web and the market potential that the technology unlocks for the businesses that are early adopters, Blockchain has become the center of attention in the tech field.

So much so that just in the past few years, hundreds of successful Blockchain startups have emerged around the world, and well-established multi-billion dollar industries ( like IBM, JP Morgan, VISA, Walmart, etc.), keen on jumping the bandwagon, now have specialized Blockchain divisions.

As a result, the demand for Blockchain developers is skyrocketing. And naturally, a high-demand, high-skilled job implies a high-paying salary, which is one of the primary reasons while those in the tech field are quickly adapting their skillset to incorporate blockchain development.

Through this article, we’ll try to get a brief understanding of what Blockchain is and how one can become a Blockchain developer. We’ll also have a look at an analysis of the current job market trends pertaining to Blockchain.

What is Blockchain Technology?

To put it simply, Blockchain is a rather unique type of database, where information is stored in the form of blocks of data chained together in chronological order. Whenever new data is generated onto the Blockchain, it gets written onto a block. Once this block is filled, it is timestamped, and then attached to the last block in the chain, thus making a “chronological chain of blocks of data”, hence the name Blockchain.

Blockchain Technology

Being a database, Blockchain has different use cases. However, so far, the most notable use case (which in fact earned Blockchain its reputation) is that of a ledger for recording financial transactions.

The two main features that the Blockchain leverages for its use as a transaction ledger are immutability and decentralization. These two features add a level of security to blockchain that is practically unmatched by any other system in the world.

Immutability implies that once some data is written onto a Blockchain, it can’t be changed. Whenever a block is added to the Blockchain, it gets a unique hash value associated with it.

Changing the data onto the block will in turn modify the hash value, and the Blockchain will be flagged as tampered. This ensures that once a transaction is written onto the Blockchain, no malicious entity can modify the transactions. Hence, it makes Blockchain a reliable ledger system.

On the other hand, the word decentralization is pretty self-explanatory— something that is not centralized. Decentralization is one of the distinguishable USPs features of Blockchain. Each node (which is basically a computer that runs and hosts the computerized database that Blockchain is) in a Blockchain maintains a copy of the Blockchain.

Whenever a transaction occurs on the Blockchain, it is processed and verified by more than one node (sometimes all the nodes, as in the case of the Bitcoin Blockchain). This ensures that even if a malicious node tries to record a fake/wrong transaction, this malicious transaction will be rejected by the other Blockchains. Again, this makes the system more reliable and safe.

Thus, to put it in layman’s terms, Blockchain is nothing but a very safe and reliable database.

So now that we know what Blockchain is, we need to define what exactly a Blockchain developer is.

Who is a Blockchain Developer?

Briefly defined, a Blockchain developer is someone who develops applications for the blockchain protocol architecture. Their day-to-day task involves developing and optimizing algorithms that conform to and run on the Blockchain Protocol, a protocol that runs on top of the standard Internet Protocol (IP) acting as the internet for blockchain-powered devices.

Among many roles, a Blockchain developer writes smart contracts, which are programs developed for the Blockchain that runs on the Blockchain nodes.

Who Is a Blockchain Developer

Applications and devices that leverage Blockchain technology run a slightly different, decentralized version on the internet called Web3. The role of a Blockchain developer is to develop applications that correspond to the Web3 standards of a decentralized web.

As we can observe, sometimes these roles can vary (or resemble) in terms of roughly the tasks the developer has to perform and hence, are broadly categorized into two categories.

Core Blockchain Developer: A core Blockchain developer interacts with Blockchain at the root level. They are directly responsible for designing and developing the Blockchain architecture, which involves deciding upon the system protocol, the consensus mechanism, etc.

Blockchain Software Developer: Blockchain software developers maintain a rather high-level interaction with the Blockchain. Their role is to use the algorithms developed by core Blockchain developers and incorporate them into their applications, developing decentralized applications that run on the Blockchain.

What is the Demand for Blockchain developer?

As per the comparison of the current trends observed in the job market to that from a few years ago, the demand for Blockchain developers has surged at a staggering rate of 2000-6000%.

The average salary paid to a Blockchain developer is 50-100% more than what a conventional software developer earns. With several Fortune 500 companies also catching up with the initial startups, the trend is likely to rise even further in the future.

Things will become more clear in regards to this aspect once we take a look at some statistics, like how much a Blockchain developer makes on average in a year.

Blockchain Developer Salary

As we saw earlier, Blockchain developers are one of the highest-paid in the world right now, with the trends on a steady rise owing to the ever-increasing demands and shift to Web3 technology.

As per a survey, the Blockchain developer salary in India ranges from ₹5 L to ₹30 L, with some senior Blockchain developers making as high as ₹50 L per annum.

The following table compares the pay of Blockchain developers by location, giving you a rough idea of how much you can make in some of the most popular cities and job locations around the world.

CityAverage Salary (Per Annum)
Bengaluru₹7.50 LPA – 30 LPA
New Delhi₹7.00 LPA – 30 LPA
Hyderabad₹6.35 LPA – 30 LPA
Gurugram₹5.85 LPA – 30 LPA
Pune₹5.00 LPA – 30 LPA

While in the US, the Blockchain developer makes around $135k per annum. However, there are no definitive upper bounds, it can even go as high as $200k per annum.

As per the table given above, we can clearly differentiate the pay by region for Blockchain developer roles. In India, scaled as per the low living costs, the salary is higher than what an average software developer makes.

Now, just like any other job sector, the experience and skill level of a Blockchain developer plays a crucial role in determining how much they earn. In general, the more experience a Blockchain developer has, the more value they provide to the company, and hence, the higher their pay.

In the following table, we can see how the pay ranges over different experience levels.

PositionAverage Salary (Per Annum)
Junior Blockchain Developer$72k/₹53.61 LPA
Intermediate Blockchain Developer$100k/₹74.46 LPA
Senior Blockchain Developer$135k/₹1.01 Cr
Blockchain Developer Salary Based on Position

These trends include only the average salary combined over different regions across the world. These might differ based on different regions as well as the companies.

So now that we have outlined what one’s salary expectation should be if they are aiming for a career in the field, let us see how one can become a Blockchain developer.

How to Become a Blockchain Developer?

The demand for Blockchain developers is at an all-time high, and there’s a noticeable lack of skilled professionals to take up the roles. Blockchain being a fast-evolving field, the scope of innovation and growth is immense. With the technology still relatively in its infancy, which in turn leaves room for a ton of innovation, there can’t be a better time to skill up and become a Blockchain developer.

One of the primary reasons why there aren’t many skilled professionals to fill up the vacancy is the steep learning curve associated with the technology, and the vast set of pre-requisites one has to cover in order to become a Blockchain developer.

  • Just like any other field in computer science, one has to start with learning the basics of programming. This involves learning a programming language like C++, Python, Java etc., followed by data structures and algorithms to enhance your problem-solving skills, and further strengthen your logical and programming foundations.
  • The next step is to cover the foundational concepts in Blockchain— Blockchain architecture and cryptography. We’ll understand these in detail in the next section.
  • With these covered, the next step would be to learn how to use some of the essential developer tools and programming languages for Blockchain programming. This involves writing smart contracts, developing and optimizing consensus algorithms, etc. This is where you actually start doing some hands-on as a Blockchain developer.
  • Once you master this aspect of Blockchain programming, you move on to the next part— creating decentralized applications. Here, you have the option of mobile app development to target mobile users, or web development to target a web-based user base. This can be treated as an entirely different field on its own, with an extensive set of tools and frameworks that can be used to implement a variety of features.

Once you have all these boxes checked, you are fit for the role of a Blockchain developer.

Blockchain Developer Skills

Just like any other software developer job, in order to be a Blockchain developer, one needs to possess a combination of soft skills and hard skills. Let us understand these in detail.

Blockchain Developer Skills

Data Structures and Algorithms: Whenever a smart contract is run on the Blockchain, it needs to be executed by each and every computer (node) in the Blockchain. Also, since these operations are executed in a decentralized environment, you generally need to pay a small fee for each transaction that is executed.

Hence, Blockchain programs are expensive, not only computationally but also in terms of real-world value. Therefore it is necessary to ensure that the smart contracts are highly optimized for the least computational complexity.

This can only be achieved by a strong understanding of data structures and algorithms associated with general programming and Blockchain.

Cryptography: Cryptography is one of the key prerequisites of Blockchain development. Blockchain technology relies on asymmetric cryptography for signing and verifying transactions. The blocks are also hashed using a hashing algorithm to generate a unique hash, ensuring that the data/transaction records stored can’t be tampered with.

Cryptography also plays a key role in securing your decentralized applications against a plethora of threats. As a result, strong knowledge of the subject is a must.

Blockchain Architecture: Blockchain architecture is the most foundational subject an aspiring Blockchain developer must have a stronghold on. It plays a crucial role in understanding the basic principles and inner workings of the Blockchain. It covers topics like different consensus mechanisms, principles of decentralization, etc.

Smart Contracts: The concept of smart contracts was introduced in the Ethereum Blockchain. A simple explanation of a smart contract is a program or script that runs on the Blockchain, that acts as an intermediary between the two parties involved in a transaction, allowing them to share some services with each other. Simply put, smart contracts can be used to implement business logic on the Blockchain.

Nowadays, all the Blockchain solutions try to implement smart contracts or at least a version of them. Ethereum accounts for more than 80% of the Blockchain application and decentralized web (Web3) market share. Since Ethereum and the applications developed on the Blockchain run on smart contracts, it is very important to add smart contract development to your skillset.

Business and Finance: The real-world applications of Blockchain are strongly intertwined with finance and payments. Since Blockchain is extensively in the fintech domain, apart from the obvious technical skills, one also needs to have a strong understanding of how the financial world operates.

Apart from these, some other intrapersonal skills like good communication, presentation, and collaboration skills are always a bonus.

So now that we know what skills are required to become a Blockchain developer, next we’ll take a look at what the Blockchain developer job descriptions look like. This is necessary since it will give you a proper understanding of what to expect once you start applying for the role.

Blockchain Developer Job Description

We have already seen that Blockchain developers are in high demand right now. Companies seeking Blockchain developers generally look for developers who are capable of designing, implementing, and distributing secure Blockchain-based applications. Applicants are expected to be able to analyze the needs of the company, and accordingly customize and/or leverage existing Blockchain technologies to deliver highly optimized Blockchain solutions.

Someone applying for the position must be proficient in the programming languages and developer tools required for Blockchain development. Apart from that, the person should also possess extensive knowledge in cryptography, with strong foundational knowledge in Blockchain technologies.

The following are the job responsibilities for a Blockchain developer, based on experience level.

Senior Blockchain Developer

  • Lead the research, design, and development of Blockchain technologies.
  • Collaborate with the management to outline the Blockchain needs
  • Deliver highly optimized solutions by using either the existing technologies or via means of innovation.

Intermediate-Level Blockchain Developer

  • Collaboration with the team to develop and deliver Blockchain solutions.
  • Writing test-driven application source codes, implementing features and interfaces using existing programming languages and developer tools.
  • Optimize and secure the Blockchain applications using different cryptographic techniques.

Junior Blockchain Developer

  • Maintenance of the client-side and server-side application.
  • Documentation of the development process
  • Implementing tests and continuous integration for the application.

Of course, these job descriptions and roles might vary a little depending on the company that you are applying for, especially for startups where the distinction between roles is relatively vague.

Some of these roles can be interchangeable, where a junior developer might be expected to perform the roles of a senior Blockchain developer, and vice versa. The following are the job requirements for the role of a Blockchain developer.

  • A bachelor’s degree in computer science or related fields in the IT sector.
  • A minimum of 2 years of experience as a Blockchain developer.
  • One should possess strong proficiency in data structures and algorithms in at least one programming language of their choice.
  • One should have extensive experience working with backend and client-side tools and frameworks.
  • Should have a strong foundation in cryptography and Blockchain protocols.
  • Good problem-solving and high-order-thinking skills, along with good intrapersonal skills are a must too.

With this set of skills and experience in your arsenal, you are all set for your career journey as a blockchain developer.

Blockchain Developer Resume

Being a relatively new field, with a lack of references or expert guidance, applying for a Blockchain developer position can be a bit confusing.

The first thing that a recruiter sees when you apply for a position is your resume. Your resume should aptly describe your technical and non-technical expertise in addition to your work experience over the past few years.

The resume should be short and crisp, but at the same time, contain all the important information that is relevant to the position you are applying for. It should deliver a well-defined sense of the value that you will provide, and how good an asset you can be to the company, once hired. Hence, having a strong resume that stands out is a must if you are considering Blockchain roles.

Therefore, in this section, we will briefly look at how you can structure your Blockchain developer resume.
First, let’s list and define some basics to keep in mind while structuring the resume.

Length – A resume should not exceed more than two pages. A concise and straightforward resume is always preferred over a pages-long, confusing resume.

Style – You can choose between a modern style or a classic resume template as per your preference. However, if you are choosing a modern template for structuring your resume, make sure that it’s not too fancy. A clean and elegant resume always looks better than a cluttered and overly-fancy resume.

Proofreading – Once you are done structuring your resume, make sure you proofread it to check for any grammatical or spelling errors, ensuring that the information you provided is accurate. Because a resume is the last place you’d want a mistake on.

Uniqueness – Instead of applying at different firms with the same resume, make sure you modify your resume as per the requirements of the company. A resume structured as per the job description will be able to convey your skills and experience in a much better sense as compared to a more generalized resume.

So now that we have some basics that are to be considered underlined, let us understand what to include, and what not to include in the resume.

Blockchain Developer Resume

Header – The header is one of the most important sections of your resume. It consists of your contact information and usually comes up top in your resume. Make sure you include all your relevant contact information and links to your developer/social profile in this section.

Summary – This is the second most important component of your resume. The career objective or summary section in your resume should briefly outline your skills, experience, and career aspiration in a concise manner. Remember, in most cases, the summary is the first and last thing that a recruiter sees in a resume. This accounts for your first impression.

Experience – The experience section of your resume houses all your professional experience in chronological order (latest first). One must state the positions of responsibility, a brief description of their achievements and roles at each job, and the challenges they faced.

Skills – The skills section is where you state all your technical and soft skills in order of significance and expertise. This section is very important, as it gives the recruiter a direct idea of how to fit you are for the job that you are seeking.

Projects – The project section houses all the projects that you have worked on, that are relevant for the position and aptly demonstrate your proficiency and skills as a developer. Briefly describe the objective of the projects, along with developer tools, frameworks, and programming languages that you have used for each one.

Achievement – Finally, the achievement section is where you mention your notable career achievements. This includes all your awards or recognition, in addition to any challenging task you have undertaken successfully in the past.


Is Blockchain developer a good career?

Considering how Blockchain is transforming the fintech world, the job demands soaring exponentially in the past few years, and the well-paying jobs, Blockchain developer is certainly a good career option.

Can I get a job in Blockchain?

With a large number of vacancies, and a lack of professionals to take up the roles, you can most definitely get a job in the Blockchain industry, given you possess the required skillset.

What is Blockchain Developer’s salary?

While the salary differs over different regions and companies, the salary for Blockchain developers in India ranges from ₹5 L to ₹30 L, with some senior Blockchain developers making as high as ₹50 L per annum.

How do I start a career in Blockchain?

You can start your career in Blockchain by first acquiring the required skillset and developing some projects to strengthen your hands-on knowledge and skills. Once that is done, you can start applying for junior-level Blockchain developer jobs.

How do I start learning Blockchain?

To learn Blockchain, first start with the basics of programming, getting proficient in different programming languages and data structures and algorithms. Then, start with understanding cryptography and Blockchain protocols, followed by smart contracts.

Is Blockchain difficult to learn?

Blockchain has a relatively steep learning curve as compared to, say, app development or web development. It’s a culmination of different technologies, and hence, is a little difficult to get started with. However, nothing too tough that can’t be overcome if you are determined enough.

How do Blockchain developers make money?

There are multiple income streams for a Blockchain developer. These include salaried jobs, freelancing, running your own Blockchain startup, consultancy services, bounty hunting programs, etc.

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