Best Full Stack Projects With Source Code [2023]

Full Stack Projects


Full-stack development is extremely popular these days. Most of the developers want to be full-stack developers as they can create an end-to-end application independently and have more skills and even better skills, as compared to the other developers. So, to learn full-stack efficiently and showcase your skills, you need to make some full-stack projects. Let us discuss some interesting project ideas for full-stack developers but, before that, let us answer some basic questions regarding full-stack development.

What is Full Stack Development?

Full Stack Development means the complete end-to-end development of a project from its front-end UI (User Interface) to its back-end and servers and databases, etc. Now, do not confuse full-stack development with web development only.

Full-stack development is usually classified into three types: Web Development, Mobile Development, and Native Application Development.

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Full Stack Development

1. Web Development:

Full-stack web development involves developing websites that include the front-end for user interaction, the back-end for the functionalities, and the database for the data to be stored. For instance, an E-commerce website like that of Amazon is a Full-Stack website because it lets the user interact with it, has stored our data like name, address, and phone number in their database, and also has a backend functionality working for placing the order successfully and managing the transactions.

2. Mobile Development:

Full Stack mobile development also involves the same as a web development full stack project, the difference being the platform on which they operate. This means that these Full Stack projects run on mobile devices. For instance: Whatsapp chats application. We use WhatsApp daily in our lives and it is a full-stack mobile application. We all know about the front-end that helps us interact with the users, the database stores all the chat history and images, documents, videos, etc, sent via the messages and the backend implements a lot of functionalities like keeping the most recent chat on the top.

3. Native Application Development:

Full Stack native application development involves developing native apps, i.e. the apps that work only on a particular platform. For example, Apple TV is an application that is an OTT platform and it is only available for IOS users. It is also a full-stack application with a front-end for the user to select what they want to watch, a backend that works behind it and plays the video that the user wants to play, and it has a database to store our information and recently watched shows, etc. 

Who is a Full-Stack Developer?

A Full Stack developer is a person who knows all the technologies from the front end to the back end and even the database and can develop a full-stack application independently. They are very much in demand because of the following reasons:

  1. Since a full-stack developer understands all the technologies for an application to be developed and has hands-on practice in most of the technologies. A full-stack developer can develop a prototype very quickly and prototypes are a very important part of the software industry. 
  2. A full-stack developer can switch roles from front-end development to back-end development and vice-versa really quickly in case of need, and there is no need for the organization to have a specific front-end or back-end employee (however they are needed in case of expertise in each field).
  3. A full-stack developer has knowledge of almost the entire project he/she is working on (not necessarily in-depth). Hence, a full-stack developer can identify a problem quickly as compared to others and has a higher probability of coming up with a solution to the same problem faster than others.

So, this is what full-stack development is and what full-stack developers do. Now, let us move to the project ideas for beginners in full-stack development.

Top Full Stack Projects For Beginners

Full Stack development is a very vast skill and requires a lot of skill and experience to handle advanced problems and make such projects. So, it is required to first gain some experience in them and then go for the advanced projects. Let us look at some project ideas for beginners in full-stack development.

1. To-do List Project

A very basic and simple project with a daily life use case is a to-do list app. A to-do list is a very popular full-stack project for beginners. You can build a to-do list, just like Microsoft’s to-do list application. It will have the feature to add an item to the list and if the task is completed then the functionality to remove it from the list should also be provided. 

The knowledge that you will gain from this project:

This project will help you enhance your front-end development skills as well as storing the items in the database and deleting them from the database will help you learn the CRUD operations on the database in a great manner. You can also implement the user login and authentication for using the to-do list app. The link for a sample to-do list website’s source code is below. Feel free to take inspiration from it and use your own skills and creativity to develop an amazing to-do list.

Check Source Code: To-do List Project

2. Blog Website/App

A blog website is one where users can put up their thoughts about anything and everything. You can make it as creative as you want to. There are thousands of blog websites out there. You can take inspiration from any of these blog websites and create your own. Here, people have to log in using their credentials and proper authentication will also be done. After that, the user can put up their blogs for the public and they should be stored in the database so that it remains there. Also, the functionality of editing a blog after posting it and deleting it from the post would be the cherry on the cake.

The knowledge that you will gain from this project:

The front end of a blog website should be really impressive for the bloggers to be attracted to your website. So, a lot of hard work and learning will go into the front end. Also, all the blogs will be stored in the database and if the blogger edits it, changes should be reflected in the database too. So, handling the database and making an attractive front end are the main learnings that one can get from this project. The GitHub Link for a sample Blog Website with its source code is given below. You can take inspiration from it and try to make your own attractive and amazing blog website.

Check Source Code: Blog Website/App Project

3. Chat Application/Website

We all chat with our friends and family daily. Chatting/messaging apps have become a part of our daily lives. Whether it is some important document regarding official work or a simple and delightful joke, everything is shared on the chat apps. So, why not build one of your own? Chatting apps are also very popular full-stack projects. These applications (on a basic level) serve the purpose of group chats and chats between individual users.

The knowledge that you will gain from this project:

There is a lot to learn from this project. Firstly, the front-end should be decent looking as well as one very important thing to keep in mind while making the front-end for a chat application is the user experience. The user experience should be made as convenient as it can be. It should be easy for the user to send a message to a friend or a group and not a complicated procedure. Again, login and authentication are required for anyone to use this application. Also, the database should be managed well to get the latest as well as very old chat data. One very important thing is real-time communication between the users. This can be achieved using technologies like So, overall, there is a lot to learn from this project. The GitHub Link for a sample Chat Application/Website with its source code is given below. You can take inspiration from it and try to make your own attractive and amazing chat website/application and invite your friends to chat with you on your own platform.

Check Source Code: Chat Application/Website Project

4. Portfolio Website

Portfolio websites are a very popular concept in today’s world. The developers build some awesome portfolio websites to showcase their skills and impress clients. Students or even professionals learning web development should make a portfolio website of their own as it is a great practice, especially front-end, and this is something where there are no limits. You can be as creative as you want to be. Links to some of the most amazing portfolio websites are given below:

Bruno-Simon Portfolio
Robby Leonardi Portfolio
Jacek Jeznach

Please note that these are some of the websites of those professionals who have been in the industry for quite some time and have a lot of experience. These are just for your inspiration. If you are a fresher and learning web development just now, it will be very difficult for you to make such websites right now.

The knowledge that you will gain from this project:

You will gain a lot of knowledge and experience in front-end web development by making this project. Also, every portfolio website has a “Contact-Me” section in which the user visiting your website will fill out the form to contact you. Here, knowledge of the backend is required and the details of the users will be stored in a database. Overall, this project shows your skills as a developer and also you get great practice. The GitHub Link for a sample Portfolio Website with its source code is given below. You can take inspiration from it and try to make your own attractive and amazing portfolio website and showcase your skills.

Check Source Code: Portfolio Website Project

5. Food Delivery Application/Website

Who doesn’t like food? Everyone wants to enjoy a delicious meal after the end of a hard-working day. So, there are various websites and apps like Uber-eats and Swiggy, and Zomato in India, which have become popular and grown their businesses around this idea. So, a food application or website is another interesting full-stack project that is very popular as well as a not-so-old idea. 

The knowledge that you will gain from this project:

You can learn a lot about developing a large-scale full-stack website or app by making this project. It involves a lot of backend knowledge and practice in making a major project like this. For instance, you require a backend for registering a restaurant under your services or ordering the food or changing the delivery address, and so on. Knowledge of the front end is also a must and is going to help you a lot in making an interactive website/app. Managing a large-scale database is something that you can get familiar with by making this project. The GitHub Link for a sample Food Delivery Application with its source code is given below. You can take inspiration from it and try to make your own food delivery application with a delicious-looking front-end and a butter-like smooth backend.

Check Source Code: Food Delivery Application/Website Project

So, we have seen some full-stack projects that are good for beginners to make for practice and improve their skills. Now, let us come to some projects that are a little bit advanced with respect to the previous projects and will build a good profile as a full-stack developer.

Advanced Full-Stack Projects

Some advanced full-stack projects are given below:

1. E-commerce Website/App

An e-commerce website/app is a very famous project and you will find it in almost every full-stack developer’s portfolio. This project is a very vast project and involves a lot of front-end, back-end as well as database knowledge. It is considered a major project and it takes a lot of hard work and time to make it. You can either make an e-commerce site/app of your own or try to clone an existing large-scale app/website like Amazon or Flipkart, etc. 

The knowledge that you will gain from this project:

This project takes up a lot of time and energy. You will learn a lot about how the backend of this e-commerce website works and a lot about user security, authentication, etc. Managing a huge database with different categories of products and different catalogues will also be a challenge. Overall, a lot to learn from this project. The GitHub Link for a sample E-commerce Website with its source code is given below. You can take inspiration from it and try to make your own e-commerce website.

Check Source Code: E-commerce Website/App Project

2. Video Conferencing App/Website

The video conferencing apps and websites are also very good full-stack projects to try your hands upon. After the global pandemic struck us, video conferencing apps like Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, etc have been a major part of our lives. The features of a video conferencing app can be audio-video chatting, textual chatting, recording the video and saving for later use, saving the chats during a call too, a whiteboard to draw and explain, and so on. There is a lot to implement and learn in this project. You can implement your own ideas to make them more creative. For instance, apart from the features that are there in any other video conferencing app/website, you can add the feature of a code editor which can be used by the companies during the online interviews so that the candidate can write the code by himself/herself.

The knowledge that you will gain from this project:

One important thing to note here is that this project is not going to be as easy as making a simple textual chat application. It involves a lot of extra work. The feature of implementing an audio-video call and managing it correctly is itself a big task. Apart from that, the video and audio conferencing, drawing on the whiteboard such that everyone can see your point/opinion, textual chat, emotes, etc should all be real-time (again you may use for it). You will also have to think about how you can add the feature of recording the video call and saving the chat. So, there is a lot to learn from this project. The GitHub Link for a sample Video Conferencing Application with its source code is given below. You can take inspiration from it and try to make your ZOOM or your own GOOGLE MEET Application.

Check Source Code: Video Conferencing App/Website Project

3. Social Media App/Website

Social media is all that we are surrounded by in today’s world. There are a lot of social media apps and websites that we use in our daily lives like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. A very good full-stack project can be developing your own social media app. A social media app/website is not like a chat application. Here, people can post an image/video/text, and others can like/dislike, comment, and share them. It is like forming a network of people. This project is a very good project for the practice of both front-end and back-end (along with the database).

The knowledge that you will gain from this project:

You will have good practice in front-end development because a social media app/website has to look attractive for the users to use it regularly. Also, the backend needs to be pretty good. You can also use encryption techniques to encrypt the messages of different people. Overall, lot of learning from this project too. The GitHub Link for a sample Social Media Application with its source code is given below. You can take inspiration from it and try to make your own social media application and become the Mark Zuckerberg of your own world.

Check Source Code: Social Media App/Website Project

4. Content Management Tool/System for Blogs

WordPress is a good example of a Content Management System. The user can drag and drop items available to create a web page. Such a project is not very common and can count for your uniqueness as a full-stack developer. Users in a Content Management System (CMS) must be able to create web pages of their own by drag and drop method. Such features should be added so that the user should be able to add textual content and media content into placeholders attached to the web page. So, the users should be able to design the websites and publish blog posts. This can happen using a text editor that accepts the input text from the user and converts it into HTML and pushes it into the database.

The knowledge that you will gain from this project:

The knowledge of the front end will be tested very rigorously in this project. Also, back-end knowledge will be required for uploading and saving the blog posts. Overall, this will be a unique project as well as you can learn a lot from it. 

Check Source Code: Content Management Tool/System

5. Project Management Tool

The toughest full-stack project and one with a lot of features is the Project Management tool. Examples are Kissflow Project, Trello, Asana, etc. This project should have the framework of a basic social media site with users being able to communicate with each other. Users should have the facility to create projects together as well as create tasks within the projects. The users should also have the functionality to assign tasks to one another and also comment on it like social media. 

The knowledge that you will gain from this project:

You will gain a lot of knowledge of front-end, back-end, database, and whatnot. You will even learn how the projects are assigned to a team, how the work is done in a team and how professional and industry-scale projects are built. There is a lot to learn in this project and it is going to be difficult to develop this project independently. It is recommended to develop this project in a group. The GitHub Link for a sample Project Management Tool Project with its source code is given below. You can take inspiration from it and try to make your Project Management Tool. A good project management tool is always in demand in the software industry.

Check Source Code: Project Management Tool Project


So, these were some of the full-stack projects for beginners and advanced projects for people who are above the beginner level. This is, however, not the limit. The ideas are never-ending and should never end. These projects are common because their source codes are easily available and it is not something that has not been done before. So, it becomes easy to learn the skill. However, if you have a brilliant new idea in mind, learn the skills by making such projects and then implement them in your new idea.


Q.1: What is the salary of a full-stack developer?

Ans. The salary of a full-stack developer differs from country to country, from mobile development to web development, from company to company, etc. There is no fixed salary but a very important thing is that we can say that a full-stack developer has decent earnings and can live a good lifestyle. The minimum average salary for a full-stack developer in India is INR 300,000 and the maximum is INR 1,400,000. For more details, you can refer here to know the salary of a full stack developer in detail. 

Q.2: Which full stack is best?

Ans. This question has no subjective answer. There is no best or worse when it comes to skills. All the full stacks are good and it totally depends on the person who wants to learn what technology they prefer. It also depends on the person whether he/she wants to learn web development or mobile development or native application development. Although, one thing that is important is that learning the technologies that are trending and in high demand in the market is beneficial.

Q.3: What are the benefits of full-stack?

Ans. The benefits of being a full-stack developer are:

  1. You can develop an end-to-end application product on your own and that makes you more completely skilled than others.
  2. Learning full-stack helps a non-full-stack developer learn and explore the entire project easily and even if the person is not working on full-stack, he/she can understand the problems and come up with the solution faster than others.
  3. Full-stack gives both depths as well as breadth of knowledge in the development field.

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