Advanced Data Structure MCQs to Test Your Coding Proficiency


A. *a + 2  B. *(a + 2)  C. (a + 2)  D. &(a + 2)

1. How is the 2nd element in an array accessed based on pointer notation?

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A. push_back()  B. append()  C. push()  D. insert()

2. What function is used to append a character at the back of a string in C++?

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3. When a pop() operation is called on an empty queue, what is the condition called?

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A. Overflow  B. Underflow  C. Syntax Error  D. Garbage Value

4. Which of the following data structures can be used to implement queues?

A. Stack  B. Arrays  C. LinkedList  D. All of the Above

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5. Which of the following data structures allow insertion and deletion from both ends?

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A. Stack  B. Deque  C. Queue  D. Strings

6. What is the maximum number of swaps that can be performed in the Selection Sort algorithm?

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A. n - 1  B. n  C. 1  D. n - 2

7. What will be the best sorting algorithm, given that the array elements are small (<= 1e6)?

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A. Bubble Sort  B. Merge Sort  C. Counting Sort  D. Heap Sort

A. Sentence Ordering B. Course Scheduling C. OS Deadlock Detection D. All of the above

8. Which of the following are applications of Topological Sort of a graph?

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A. Z Algorithm  B. Rabin Karp Algorithm  C. KMP Algorithm  D. All of the above

9. Which of the following algorithms are used for string and pattern matching problems?

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A. DP Problem  B. Greedy Algorithm  C. Adhoc Problem  D. None of the above

10. Kruskal’s Algorithm for finding the Minimum Spanning Tree of a graph is a kind of a?

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