TCS Technical         Interview Questions for         Experienced Developers


1. Given an array of integers, find the longest increasing subsequence. How would you optimize it?  2. Describe a scenario where you’d use a hash table over a balanced binary tree.

1. Algorithms & Data Structures

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2. Object-Oriented Programming

1. How does polymorphism benefit code reusability?  2. What is the difference between composition & inheritance? Can you provide examples?

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3. Database

1. Explain ACID properties. Why are they important in a transactional system?  2. Describe normalization & denormalization. When would you choose one over the other?

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4. Design Patterns

1. How have you used the Singleton design pattern in your previous projects, & what are its drawbacks?  2. Can you explain the difference between MVC & MVVM design patterns?

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5. System Design

1. Can you design a scalable & fault-tolerant microservices-based system?  2. What strategies would you use to ensure data consistency across distributed systems?

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6. Software Development 

1. Describe the most challenging bug you’ve encountered in your career.  2. How did you debug & resolve it? How do you prioritize technical debt in a mature product?

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7. Performance Optimization

1. How do you identify and fix performance bottlenecks in a web application?  2. What are some techniques you have used to optimize database query performance?

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8. Frameworks & Technologies

1. How does Spring MVC & Spring Boot differ? How does Spring Security work?  2. How do you ensure a web application is responsive & compatible across different browsers?

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9. DevOps & Continuous Integration

1. How do you handle database migrations in a CI/CD pipeline?  2. Describe a situation where you had to troubleshoot a failed deployment. How did you approach it?

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10. Security

1. How do you ensure your application is safe from SQL injection attacks?  2. Explain the concept of OAuth 2.0 and its role in API security.

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