Terraform Security                     Best Practices to Discuss                in DevOps Interview


Principle of Least Privilege


Discuss limiting permissions to the minimum necessary for each resource.

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Explain strategies for securely storing Terraform state files, such as using remote backends and encryption.

Secure Storage of State Files

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Highlight the importance of version-controlling Terraform code for collaboration and auditing.

Version Control Best Practices

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Describe how to validate and sanitize user inputs to prevent security vulnerabilities.

Input Validation and Sanitization

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Regularly Update Terraform Versions

Emphasize the significance of keeping Terraform up to date for security patches.

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Discuss the role of automated testing, including unit testing and integration testing, in ensuring code quality & security.

Automated Testing

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Continuous Monitoring & Logging

Explain how to set up monitoring and logging for real-time insights into your infrastructure's security.

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Address the secure management of secrets and sensitive data in Terraform configurations.

Secrets Management

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Talk about importance of code reviews & security scans for Terraform configurations.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Reviews

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Mention the need for a well-defined incident response plan to handle security breaches.

Incident Response Planning

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