Critical Low-Level          Design Interview          Questions


Explain object-oriented design principles. Can you demonstrate how you would apply them in a coding problem?


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How would you design a URL shortening service like from scratch?

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Design a rate limiter. What data structures & algorithms would you use, & how would you handle distributed systems scenarios?

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Can you walk through the low-level design of a chess game, focusing on the classes and interfaces you would create?

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Explain the differences between SQL and NoSQL databases. When would you choose & over the other in system design?

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How would you implement a concurrent HashMap in Java?

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Design an ATM machine. What are the classes and functions you would need? How would you handle concurrency?

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Describe how memory management works in C++. How would you prevent memory leaks in a large-scale application?

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How would you design an autocomplete system for a search engine?

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What is a deadlock and how would you avoid or resolve deadlocks in a multi-threaded application?

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Explain the Singleton design pattern and provide a real-world example of its use.

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Discuss the LRU (Least Recently Used) Cache mechanism. How would you implement it?

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