Things to keep in mind              when doing a software            post-mortem


1. Focus on Process, Not Blame

Avoid blaming individuals or teams. Instead, analyze process failures that led to the issue. The goal is improvement, not punishment.


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Beware of Hindsight Bias

Events may seem obvious in hindsight, but avoid assuming they were predictable beforehand. Focus on understanding the actual sequence of events.


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Don't settle for surface-level explanations. Investigate specific errors and the conditions that caused them. Implement measures like better QA and error logging.

Dive Deep into Specifics


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Ensure your resolution steps are concrete and actionable. Vague statements like "improve documentation" won't lead to effective changes.

Make Resolutions Actionable


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While post-mortems can inspire long-term process changes, prioritize short-term solutions to prevent future occurrences quickly.

Prioritize Short-Term Solutions


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Question prevailing assumptions within your team. Just because everyone believes something to be true doesn't guarantee its accuracy.

Challenge Common Beliefs


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