Coding  Best Practices

Tips for Clean and Efficient Code


1. Variable Naming Conventions  Don't be a lazy coder! Use clear & consistent naming conventions for your variables. Make sure they represent the data they store & follow a theme throughout your code.

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2. Class and Function Naming Conventions  Descriptive titles for functions and classes are essential. Use naming conventions, such as those for variables, to ensure your code is easy to read and distinguishable.

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3. Add Clear and Concise Comments to Your Code  Don't leave your colleagues in the dark! Include comments in your code to help others understand it. But remember, moderation is key - don't overdo it!

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4. Portability  Make sure your code is portable & can be run on different environments. Use variables instead of hard-coded values for environmental parameters & resources like XML files.

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5. Indentation  Keep your code organized and readable by using proper formatting and indentation. Choose a style and stick to it throughout your code to avoid confusion.

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6. Reusability and Scalability  Save time & resources by reusing tested software components and modules. And don't forget to design your code to be scalable for future updates & improvements.

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7. Testing   Plan your testing ahead of time & use automated tools like Geb Spock & Selenium for efficient testing. Remember, testing is essential for clean and efficient code!

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