Coding Challenges to             Include in Your Peer Mock             Interview Practice


Can you reverse a string in Python without using built-in functions? Test your string manipulation skills!

Reverse a String


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Linked List Palindrome

Check if a linked list is a palindrome – a classic interview question that tests your data structure knowledge.

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Tree Traversal

Master tree traversal techniques like Inorder, Preorder, and Postorder traversal with this challenge.

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Two Sum Problem

Solve the Two Sum problem efficiently – a common coding interview question to sharpen your problem-solving skills.

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Implement a Queue

Build a queue from scratch to deepen your understanding of data structures.

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Dynamic Programming Knapsack

Tackle a dynamic programming problem involving the knapsack algorithm – a must-know for tech interviews.

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Graph DFS and BFS

Explore graph traversal with Depth-First Search (DFS) and Breadth-First Search (BFS) algorithms.

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SQL Queries

Write SQL queries to manipulate and retrieve data from a database – a crucial skill for data-centric roles.

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System Design Scenario

Design a scalable system to solve a real-world problem – a complex challenge to prepare for system design interviews.

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