Strategies to            Overcome Nervousness in Peer Mock Interviews


Preparation is Key

Thoroughly research the interview topic, practice commonly asked questions, and conduct mock interviews with friends to build confidence.


Ready to practice mock interviews?

Positive Self-Talk

Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations to stay focused and optimistic throughout the peer mock interview process.


Ready to practice mock interviews?

Practice deep breathing exercises to calm nerves and maintain composure during the peer mock interview.

Breathing Techniques


Ready to practice mock interviews?

Adopt confident body language, such as maintaining eye contact and a relaxed posture, to convey self-assurance.

Body Language Matters


Ready to practice mock interviews?

See mistakes as learning opportunities, not failures, & use feedback from mock interviews to improve for the real thing.

Embrace Mistakes


Ready to practice mock interviews?

Picture yourself succeeding in the peer mock interview, visualizing a positive outcome to boost confidence.

Visualization Techniques


Ready to practice mock interviews?

Rehearse responses out loud and record yourself to analyze areas for improvement and polish your delivery.

Rehearse and Record


Ready to practice mock interviews?

Ask peers for constructive criticism on your performance, addressing weaknesses and reinforcing strengths.

Seek Constructive Feedback


Ready to practice mock interviews?

In the moments leading up to the peer mock interview, relax with calming activities to reduce nervousness.

Stay Relaxed


Ready to practice mock interviews?

Embrace the challenges, embrace the growth, and become the software engineer you were destined to be with InterviewBit!

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