A Quick Comparison of IoT and M2M

What's the difference?


Imagine a world where machines can communicate with each other seamlessly without human intervention. Welcome to the world of IoT and M2M.


IoT is a network infrastructure that connects objects, devices, and sensors via the internet and allows them to communicate & exchange data, making our homes, streets and cities more efficient.

What is IoT (Internet of Things)?


Make life easier & more convenient by capturing real-time data from devices & using it to monitor, track, & control them. Also has potential to connect people, places, & things in ways that were not possible before.

Main purpose of IoT


A system that allows machines to communicate with each other & with humans as an extension of IoT. It is used in applications such as metering, automation, tracking & tracing, healthcare, & many others.

What is M2M?


Makes smart objects communicate seamlessly, creating an interconnected & efficient world with direct access to data & control without human intervention.

Main purpose of M2M


 - In IoT, common protocols such as HTTP, FTP, and Telnet are used.   - M2M utilizes specialized communication technology and traditional protocols.

Comparison based on Communication protocols


 - IoT connects every device and appliance to the internet through a diverse range of communication types.   - M2M focuses on establishing direct, point-to-point connections between devices.

Comparison based on Connection Type


 - In IoT, data is shared to improve the end-user experience through various applications.   - In M2M, data is primarily shared among the communication parties themselves.

Comparison based on Data Sharing


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