A Quick Overview of ADO.Net Architecture

ADO.NET is a must-have for any .NET developer, providing seamless access and manipulation of data from various sources. Get ahead of game & master ADO.NET to build powerful data-driven applications.

Introduction to ADO.Net

ADO.NET's two-tier model bridges gap between ASP.NET & backend databases, allowing you to access diverse types of data using same methodology & connect to a SQL Server database using a different set of classes.

 - Exchanges data using XML, regardless of its complexity.   - ADO.NET allows us to model our application in separate layers.  - Having only disconnected data on the server simplifies scaling.

Features of ADO.NET

The ADO.NET architecture comprises six important components. Discover how they can be used to create powerful data-driven applications. Let's check them out. →

ADO.NET Architecture

1. Connection  It allows you to connect to a variety of backend databases, such as SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL. With just two pieces of information, the connection object enables you to securely access your data.

2. Command  The command object is the key to creating and executing SQL queries. It allows you to interact with your backend database and access data in the format that best suits your needs.

3. DataReader  DataReader allows you to read records in a forward-only mode. Learn about its read-only, connected, and forward-only modes, and how they can be applied to different situations.

4. DataSet  DataSet allows you to work with disconnected recordsets, giving you the freedom to insert, update, and delete data. The DataAdapter fills a DataSet using data from a data source.

Want to learn more about ADO.Net and all that it has to offer?

Check out the blog for more information about ADO.Net, its architecture, examples, and more.