Millions of people worldwide use the web and mobile apps for everything from social media to healthcare. But do you know how these apps achieve such reliability?
It is primarily used as a TypeScript framework for single-page applications. The platform allows users to create large applications in a maintainable manner.
1. Provide 2-way data binding.2. Resolved no. of compiler, route, service workers, modules, and other issues. 3. New Angular engine improves component loading, bundle size, and code compression.
1. Modules The angular app has a root module called AppModule, which provides the bootstrap mechanism for launching the app and triggering other modules as needed.
2. Component These components are simple JavaScript/Typescript classes with HTML names and templates. Generally, components define parts of UI (User Interface).
3. Templates These include all features of HTML, with additional functionality that binds component data into HTML and generates HTML DOM elements dynamically.