Java Architecture

A Detailed Explanation

Architecture outlines steps involved in writing Java programs and combines compilation and interpretation processes. Each step in program's compilation and execution are described.

Introduction to Java Architecture

Components of Java Architecture

It consists of 3 components:   1. JRE(Java Runtime Environment) 2. JDK(Java Development Kit)  3. JVM(Java Virtual Machine)

JRE is a runtime environment that includes all libraries and software necessary to run Java applications. JRE is included in JDK, but you can also download it separately.

1. Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

JDK is a development environment for Java applications. JDK includes Java Runtime Environment, a compiler, an interpreter or loader, and a number of development tools.

2. Java Development Kit (JDK)

JVM is a platform for executing Java programs. JVM convert bytecode to machine code. JVM loads, verifies, and execute the code, and enables runtime environment.

3. Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

Bytecode makes Java platform-independent.

How is Java Platform Independent?

1. Java compiler converts original code into .class files.  2. Class file contains code in byte code that is converted into object file by JVM.  3. Final output appears on your screen.

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