Top Data Analytics Projects Ideas

For Beginners to Experts

With 16 million RGB, most of us can't distinguish between colors or remember their names. This project allows students to build interactive application to identify colors in images.

1. Color Detection Project

Project Ideas for Beginners

Identify patterns and characteristics by analyzing structure of data with an EDA. Also, they assist you with cleaning data, extracting relevant variables, identifying anomalies, etc.

2. Exploratory Data Analysis Projects (EDA)

A good way to learn about products, competitors, industry, pandemic response, & customer service wait times is to monitor social media. Ensure your brand doesn't get tarnished online.

3. Social Media Reputation Monitoring

Chatbots are software programs that communicate & perform actions similar to human beings. 3 principles drive chatbot design: Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and ML.

4. Chatbots

Project Ideas for Intermediates

It enables machines to recognize human handwritten digits. With an integrated GUI, this system can detect scanned images of handwritten digits as well as write digits on the screen.

5. Handwritten digit recognition

A single image can be used to predict age & gender using data analytics. Deep Learning will be used to determine individual's age & gender based on only one picture of their face.

6. Gender and Age detection

COVID-19 data will be used for the project to answer questions: Which countries are most affected by COVID19 spread, and how have national lockdowns affected transmission?

7. COVID19 Data Visualization Using Python

Project Ideas for Experts

It helps you build an interactive bar chart that shows most followed accounts over time. People interested in social media, celebrity, or brand culture might find this dataset useful.

8. Most followed on Instagram

Here is a  list of more Data Analytics Project ideas that may be of interest to you.

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