C Vs Python: The Top Differences


What is C Language?

C combines features of both high-level and low-level languages, making it a middle-level language. Structured programming, lexical variables, pointers, etc., made it very popular.


What is Python?

Python is an interpreted high-level language that focuses a lot on code readability. OOP, functional programming, structured programming, and many more are supported by Python.


Comparison based on Programming Model

C is a procedural programming language, while Python is an object-oriented programming language.


Comparison based on Compilation and Interpretation

C is a compiled language where errors are detected line by line by compiler, whereas, Python is an in-interpreted language where errors are reported by interpreter at once.


Comparison Based on Memory Management

Memory management is handled manually in C, while in Python, it is handled automatically by the garbage collector.


Comparison based on Variable Declaration

When creating variables in C, you must declare their data types, while when creating variables in Python, you are not required to declare their data types.


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