Client-Server Architecture

An Overview

What is Client-Server Architecture?

It is a distributed application network that divides tasks between clients and servers within the same system or communicating over a network. It adheres to the TCP protocol suite.

Types of Client-Server Architecture

Based on the business logic implemented between the client and server, it is categorized into three types.

1. 1-tier Architecture 2. 2-Tier Architecture 3. 3-Tier Architecture

1-Tier Architecture

This architecture groups everything related to the application into a single package. A single entity comprises the User Interface, Business Logic, Database Logic, and Database.

2-Tier Architecture

It divides all application logic into 2 parts; the database operating as a separate entity and the main application handling UI, business logic, and database interactions.

3-Tier Architecture

It has a middleware between client and server. 3 layers are;   1. Presentation layer controlled by Client devices.  2. Application layer and database layer controlled by middleware and server.

Read on to Discover the Pros and Cons of Client-Server Architecture….