COCOMO Model in Software Engineering

A Quick Overview

Is it possible to estimate the development efforts that go into completing a project?

A procedural cost estimation model used for estimating development effort involved in a project. It is based on LOC i.e., number of lines of code in a system and time.

Introduction to COCOMO Model

In the COCOMO model, there are essentially two parameters that define software quality. What are these parameters?

Software projects under COCOMO model strategies are classified into 3 categories -  - Organic Project   - Semi-detached Project   - Embedded Project

There are 3 layers of COCOMO, each with an increasing level of detail and accuracy. It is possible to adapt any of the three forms based on our needs.

Types of COCOMO Model

1. Basic COCOMO Model   A quick and somewhat rough calculation of software costs can be made using the first level of COCOMO, Basic COCOMO. It is given by the following expressions:   E = ax (KLOC)b  D = c x (Effort)d  P = effort/time

2. Intermediate COCOMO Model   By incorporating a set of cost drivers into the Intermediate COCOMO model, the cost estimation model becomes more accurate. It is given by the following expressions:   Effort (E) = a*(KLOC)b *EAF PM  D = c x (Effort)d

Explore other COCOMO models and their pros and cons.