Angular  Vs AngularJS


A Detailed Comparison


What is Angular?

A web framework built on the MVC paradigm and offering two-way data binding, Angular is used for high-performance web apps with modern design and highly dynamic behavior.


What is AngularJS?

Designed to facilitate single-page apps, AngularJS support for writing code in the MVC architecture and makes it possible for developers to add dynamic behavior to web applications.


Comparison Based on Supported Languages

Angular supports JavaScript and TypeScript, but it prefers TypeScript due to annotations and static typing, whereas AngularJS supports only JavaScript.


Comparison Based on Mobile Development Support

Applications developed using AngularJS are not mobile-friendly, unlike Angular applications, which are fully optimized for mobile browsers.


Comparison Based on Architectural Support

The architecture of Angular is largely component-based. Also, Angular Components combine directives and templates, while AngularJS provides MVC and MVVM support.


Comparison Based on Performance and Speed

AngularJS also comes with two-way binding, which facilitates the creation of dynamic web pages, while Angular applications also offer high performance due to data binding.


Comparison Based on Dependency Injection

AngularJS uses directives instead of dependency injection to enhance app performance, whereas Angular uses hierarchical dependency injection.


Comparison Based on Routing

Angular supports routing between multiple views, and to specify routing info, you use @RouteConfig{(…)}. AngularJS also allows you to define routing info using @routeProvider.when().


Comparison Based on Data Binding

AngularJS supports two-way binding, but it uses ng-bind for one-way and ng-model directive for two-way binding. Angular supports two-way binding and lets you bind data between view and model.


Comparison Based on CLI

Angular Framework includes AngularCLI tool that allows you to create and manage components and other project files from the command line, whereas AngularJS does not.


Check out the full comparison of Angular and AngularJS.