
What's the difference?


What is HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)?

HTML is a markup language used to provide structure and style to web pages and web applications. Understanding HTML tags and how to put them together makes designing a website easier.


What is HTML5?

As the latest version of HTML, HTML5 includes all features of HTML along with new tags like <audio>, <video>, and <canvas>. Graphics, music, and other new features are also supported.


Based on Drag and Drop feature

Unlike HTML, which does not support drag and drop effects, HTML 5 is capable of incorporating drag and drop effects.


Based on Vector Graphics

In HTML, vector graphics are used with the aid of various technologies such as VML, Flash, etc., while in HTML5, vector graphics are utilized with SVG and canvas.


Based on Error Handling

HTML cannot handle incorrect syntax and other errors, while HTML5 can. An inaccurate syntax is one where the written syntax (order of tags) is different from the original.


Based on Syntax

HTML has lengthy and complicated syntax for character encoding and document type declarations, whereas HTML5  has concise and easy to understand syntax.


Based on Memory Storage

In HTML5, temporary data is stored in the database associated with the current webpage, whereas in HTML, cookies are used to store temporary data.


Based on JavaScript Support

HTML5 allows JavaScript to run on the browser directly using JS Web worker API, whereas HTML5 does not allow JavaScript to run on the browser directly.


Based on Substructure and Semantics Defining Tags

HTML does not support tags which define text semantics or divide a document's structure, whereas HTML5 does.


Click here to see a detailed comparison of  HTML and HTML5.