JPA  Vs  Hibernate

What's the difference?


Get a Better Understanding of JPA and Hibernate: The Essential ORM Tools for Java Developers. Explore the Key Differences and Find Out Which One is Right for Your Project!


Java Persistence API is a specification that provides object-relational mapping for Java apps. It uses ORM tools like Hibernate & TopLink to manage persistence & define mappings for POJOs as entities.

What is JPA?


 - Stored Procedure Query   - Constructor Result Mapping   - Bean Validation   - JDBC Properties

Features of JPA


Hibernate is a Java ORM tool that allows for object-relational mapping & query service. It is an implementation of Java Persistence API & uses XML files to quickly map Java objects to a database.

What is Hibernate?


 - Auto table generation   - Support Association   - Support Inheritance   - Pagination Support

Features of Hibernate


 - JPA: Defined under the javax.persistence package.  - Hibernate: Defined under the org.hibernate package.

Comparison based on Package


 - JPA: Uses the EntityManagerFactory interface to interact with the entity manager factory for the persistence unit.   - Hibernate: Uses the SessionFactory interface for creating Session instances.

Comparison based on Interface


 - JPA: Uses JPQL, an object-oriented query language, to perform database operations.     - Hibernate: Uses HQL, an object-oriented query language, to perform database operations.

Comparison based on Language Used


Gain a deeper understanding of the differences between JPA and Hibernate, including pros and cons.