Difference between OpenShift and Kubernetes

A Side-by-Side Comparison


Curious about what sets Kubernetes and OpenShift apart in the container orchestration world? Both are powerful, but have distinct focus and approach. Dive in to discover the difference! Lets check them out --->


An open-source PaaS built on top of Kubernetes. It provides additional set of tools & features for developers, like IDE, a web console, and built-in automation, to simplify managing applications in any environment.

Introduction to OpenShift


 - Cluster installation with installer-provisioned architecture for easy setup.   - Simple UI for tracking & applying updates to clusters.   - Support automation for virtual platforms & on-premises bare metal.

Features of OpenShift


An open-source container orchestration system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It provides a set of API's for managing containerized workloads and services.

Introduction to Kubernetes


 - Automatic bin packing optimizes resource usage.   - Self-recovers by restarting, replacing, & deleting containers as needed.   - Rollout & rollback automation prevents system failure.

Features of Kubernetes


 - OpenShift has stronger security policies with built-in authentication and authorization.   - Kubernetes has lenient security policies and lacks built-in authentication and authorization capabilities.

Comparison based on Security Policies


 - OpenShift offers a user-friendly dashboard for cluster management.  - Kubernetes provides a default dashboard but with limited functionality, requiring additional tools when cluster size increases.

Comparison based on Cluster management


 - Upgrading OpenShift requires using Red Hat Enterprise Linux package management system.   - On both platforms, instead of rebuilding Kubernetes clusters from ground up, you can upgrade existing clusters.

Comparison based on Upadating Version


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