Power BI  Vs Tableau


A Detailed Comparison


What is Power BI?

An essential BI tool for data analytics, data visualization, and ad-hoc reports, Power BI provides a multi-perspective view of the dataset.


What is Tableau?

A popular data visualization and BI tool used for reporting and analyzing vast volumes of data. Users can create charts, graphs, maps, dashboards, and stories to visualize and analyze data.


Comparison Based on Cost Effectiveness

Power BI is a low-cost software tool as pro version costs less than $10 per user per month, whereas Tableau is more expensive as pro version costs more than $35 per user per month.


Comparison Based on Performance

Tableau is suitable for handling large volumes of data quickly and offers extensive visualization features, whereas Power BI is faster and better with limited data volumes.


Comparison Based on Support for R and Python

Tableau offers full support for Python and R language-based visualizations, while Power BI supports R language-based visualizations.


Comparison Based on Embedding Option

In Power BI, you can embed reports in internal web portals easily and securely, whereas, in Tableau, embedding reports into a different environment is challenging.


Comparison Based on Support for Query Editor

The query editor in Power BI simplifies the process of working with data whereas this feature is not available in Tableau.


Comparison Based on Support for Data Sources

Although Power BI supports various data sources, it has limited access to other databases and servers, unlike Tableau, which can access a variety of sources and servers.


Check  detailed comparison between Power BI Vs Tableau with their features.