Principles of Object Oriented Programming

A Quick Overview

What is OOPS?

OOP involves breaking large programs into smaller, more manageable components called objects. It simplifies maintenance and improves program organization.

1. It relates to real-life objects.  2. Enhances programmers' productivity.  3. Lower maintenance costs and better software quality.  4. Increases code reusability and simplifies updating.

What makes OOPS so popular?

An Object-Oriented approach consists of 4 pillars that together make it powerful.

OOPS Principle

Abstraction refers to hiding an application's internal details from the public. Basically, it is the interaction of a user with a subset of an object's characteristics and functions.

1. Abstraction

Encapsulation = Data Hiding + Abstraction   In this method, all critical information is encapsulated inside an object, and only a subset of it is revealed to the outside world.

2. Encapsulation

Find out more about the other OOPS principles with examples.