SQL  Vs  NoSQL  A Detailed Comparison


What is SQL (Structured Query Language)?

SQL is a popular programming language for relational databases that extracts, stores, deletes, inserts, manages, and updates data for structured data and strategic analysis.


What is NoSQL?

NoSQL allows data to be stored and retrieved in forms other than tabular.  Data can be stored in structured, unstructured, semi-structured, or polymorphic form.


Comparison Based on Purpose

SQL is used for communicating with databases to store, delete, update, insert and retrieve data, while NoSQL is used to retrieve, store, and manage scalability of databases.


Comparison Based on Query Language

SQL databases support structured query languages, while NonSQL databases does not support declarative query languages.


Comparison Based on Schemas

SQL uses predefined schemas which limit the storage of data in structured types only, while NoSQL uses dynamic schemas, which allow data to be stored in any format.


Comparison Based on Distributed Data

SQL databases operates on a single system and thus does not follow data distribution, whereas, NoSQL is designed to follow distribution features like repetition and partitioning.


Check out  the Pros and  Cons of  SQL and NoSQL.