Git Commands                 for Streamlining                 Development


git init

Start Fresh! Initialize a new Git repository with 'git init' to track your project from the beginning.


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git clone

Copy and Collaborate! Clone repositories with 'git clone' to access and collaborate on existing projects.


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Stage for Success! Prepare changes for commit using 'git add' to include them in your version control.

git add


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Snapshot Your Work! Create a commit with 'git commit' to record your changes & add meaningful messages.

git commit


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Stay Up to Date! Update your local branch with 'git pull' to sync with the latest changes from the remote repository.

git pull


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Share Your Brilliance! Share your local commits with 'git push' to update the remote repository.

git push


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Branch Out! Create and manage branches effortlessly using 'git branch' to work on multiple features simultaneously.

git branch


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Bring It Together! Merge branches with 'git merge' to integrate changes and resolve conflicts.

git merge


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Save Your Progress! Use 'git stash' to temporarily store changes and switch between tasks without committing.

git stash


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Track Your Journey! Explore project history with 'git log' to see who did what and when.

git log


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