Denotes a section of a page whose content is tangentially related to the main body. Example- <aside> <h4>What's more on Interviewbit</h4> <p>Prepare for coding interviews</p> </aside>
A caption or legend that describes the rest of the contents of its parent <figure> element. Example- <figure> <img src="/pictures/lion-1080-720.jpeg" alt="Lion hunting"> <figcaption>Picture of a lion hunting its prey</figcaption> </figure>
Used to include an image in a document. Example- <img class="fit-picture" src="/pictures/apple-660-480.jpeg" alt="This is a picture of an apple">
Indicates text that has been marked for citation or notation due to its relevance or importance. Example- <p>Please bring the <mark>Homework Copy</mark> tomorrow.</p>
Specifies a summary, caption, or legend for the disclosure box of the details> element. Example- <details> <summary>Summary of the topic</summary> Java is an Object Oriented Programming Language. </details>
Describe a reference to a referenced creative work, and the title of that work must be included. Example- <p><cite>Mona Lisa</cite> Painting by Leonardo da Vinci </p>
Used to embed or refer to executable code. Example- <!-- HTML4 --> <script type="text/javascript" src="javascript.js"></script> <!-- HTML5 --> <script src="javascript.js"></script>
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