Top  Binary Search Tree Coding Problems for Interviews


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Binary Search Trees are an essential part of computer science and are frequently asked about in interviews. Let's dive into the top 7 BST coding problems you should know for your next interview.


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Want to practice BST Interview problems?

Given a matrix of integers sorted row-wise and column-wise, efficiently search for an element in the matrix.

1. Matrix Search

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Given an integer A, Compute and return the square root of A without using sqrt function from the standard library. If A is not a perfect square, return floor(sqrt(A)).

2. Square Root of Integer

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Given an array of board lengths, A painters, & B units of time per 1 unit of board, find minimum time required to paint all boards where each painter can only paint contiguous sections of board.

3. Painter's Partition Problem

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Given two sorted arrays, find the median element of the merged array. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)).

4. Median of Array

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Given a sorted array that has been rotated, search for a target element efficiently. You may assume no duplicate exists in the array.

5. Rotated Sorted Array Search

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Given a base and an exponent, compute the value of the base raised to the exponent.

6. Implement Power Function

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Given a sorted array of integers and a target value, find the starting and ending position of the target value in the array.

7. Search for a Range

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InterviewBit has got you covered with their collection of Binary search tree interview problems. Get started now and become a master problem solver!

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