Top Features of Operating System

Unlock the Power of Your Operating System

We have been using operating system for years without releasing it. Every device, from mobile phones to supercomputers, is running an operating system.

An operating system is the software programme that manages and controls computing devices. It allows you to easily interface with computers, even if you don't know a coding language.

Introduction of Operating System

Why use an OS?

1. Process Management  2. File Management  3. Device Management   4. Booting  5. Error Detection 

Lets check key features of OS & how they help manage tasks, execute programs, & handle I/O operations.

Features of OS

1. Protected and Supervisor Mode These mode are available on CPUs with dual-mode functionality. They allow OS kernel to regulate & modify specific CPU functions for better control over hardware & memory access.

2. Program Execution  OS manage every tasks, from user apps to system programs. They break down tasks into steps & keep track of everything through a process, including code to execute, data to manipulate, & resources in use.

3. Handling I/O Operations  OS manages a variety of input/output devices, including keyboards, mice, & printers. They handle requests from applications & communicate with physical devices to ensure everything runs smoothly.

4. Error Handling  OS are responsible for detecting & handling errors that can occur at any time & in any location, including bugs in CPU, I/O devices, & memory hardware. This helps keep devices running smoothly.

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