What every GIT user should know?

Introduction to GIT (Global Information Tracker)

A powerful version control system for managing projects of all sizes quickly and efficiently. Programmers can coordinate and track changes to any files associated with local directory.

1. Config

Set configuration values on a global or local level. Also, set author name and email ID with commit.   Syntax:  git config -global "[name]"  git config -global "[email]"

 Popular Git Commands

2. Init

Create a new repository for projects. Also, can convert an existing project to a new or empty repository.   Syntax:  git init [repository name]

3. Clone

Create a copy of an existing repository in a new directory at a different location.   Syntax:  git clone [repo url]

4. Add

Adds modified files into the staging area.   Syntax:  git add [filename]

5. Commit

Create a timeline of the staged changes along project timeline. User can commit major changes on a local level before pushing them to global.   Syntax:  git commit -m "Your Commit Message"

6. Difference

Display differences in files between two commits or between a commit or after the commits are done.    Syntax:  git diff

Find out more about Git commands along with their syntax...