Top HTML Projects with Source Code

For Beginners to Experts

HTML Projects for Beginners

Designed to honor someone who has inspired you or someone you admire and revere. You need basic HTML skills to create a memorial page.

1. A Tribute Page

In this HTML project, you will learn how to develop forms and organize web pages.  A well-designed survey form can give valuable insights about your target consumers.

2. A Questionnaire

This project aims to create a technical documentation page where you can select a subject, and it will load relevant information.  Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is required.

3. Technical Documentation

Parallax websites keeps the background image fixed as you scroll down the page. A newbie familiar with HTML can create a parallax website quickly.

4. A Website with a Parallax Effect

HTML Projects for Intermediates

Creating a personal portfolio page for a website requires working knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3. Name, projects, special skills, hobbies, etc., can be included on the web page.

5. Your Own Portfolio

An eye-catching color palette and attractive layouts are crucial to creating a restaurant website. Adding a rotating picture gallery on the website will attract more visitors.

6. Restaurant’s Official Webpage

It involves developing an electronic program that works like a messaging application like Whatsapp. You must include text-based communication technology and data administration.

7. WhatsApp Web Clone

HTML Projects for Experts

It involves creating a movie app using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, and API calls from Movie Database. Movies can be viewed by category or searched using search function.

8. Clone of the BBC News Website

Youtube clone project is mainly used to assess HTML, CSS, and Responsive design ability. There should be an option for users to establish channels and upload videos.

9. Clone of YouTube

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