What is MVC Architecture? 

All you need to know

Intro to MVC

It stands for Model-view-controller. MVC architecture is a design pattern mostly used for developing scalable web applications.

Components of MVC

1. View: Where user interacts. 2. Router: Handles Request where to process. 3. Controller: Process requests and send responses to view. 4. Model: Middleware to manage database operations.

Popular Frameworks Based on MVC

1. JAVA Frameworks: Sprint, Spring Boot 2. Python Framework: Django 3. NodeJS: ExpressJS 4. PHP Framework: Cake PHP, Phalcon, PHPixie 5. Ruby: Ruby on Rails 6. Microsoft.NET: ASP.net MVC

Advantages of MVC  Architecture

1. Code is maintainable and extensible. 2. Easily supports new types of clients. 3; Avoid complexity by breaking applications into 3 parts. 4. Supports test-driven development.

Disadvantages of MVC  Architecture

1. No formal validation support. 2. Difficult to read, modify, and unit test this model. 3. Results in inefficient data processing.

Do you know how MVC works?

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