When to use Stacks vs Queues?
A data structure that follows the LIFO (Last In First Out) principle. Think of it as a stack of plates - the last plate you put on the stack is the first one you take off.
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1. Browser History- The browser history uses a stack to keep track of the pages you have visited. Pressing the "back" button pops the last page from the stack and displays the previous page.
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Ready to master stacks and queues?
Ready to master stacks and queues?
A linear data structure that follows First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle. Think of it as a queue of people waiting in line at a store where first person in line is first to be served.
Ready to master stacks and queues?
1. Printing Queue - Printing queues use a queue data structure to keep track of print jobs. The jobs are added to the queue in the order they were received and printed in the same order.
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Ready to master stacks and queues?
Ready to master stacks and queues?
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