C :
Array declaration :
int A[1000]; // creates an integer array of size 1000.
int *A = (int *) malloc(1000 * sizeof(int)); // creates an integer array of size 1000
Accessing ith element :
C++ :
C style arrays work in C++ as well.
However, C++ provides vectors which is much more powerful than C arrays. We will be using C++ vectors in most of the problems on this judge.
Vector declaration :
vector<int> V; // declares an empty integer array of size 0. O(1)
vector<int> V(100, 1); // declares an integer array of size 100 with all elements initialized to 1. O(size)
Accessing ith element :
V[i] // O(1)
Size ( number of elements ) of the vector :
V.size() // O(1)
Adding element to the vector :
V.push_back(new_value); // new_value will be appended to the vector. O(1)
Removing element from end of the vector :
V.pop_back(); // equivalent to size--; O(1)
Java has multiple ways of representing arrays. For the purpose of problem solving on this site, we will limit ourselves to ArrayList.
Array declaration :
ArrayList<Integer> A = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // declares an empty integer array. O(1)
ArrayList<Integer> A = new ArrayList<Integer>(B); // creates a copy of list B. O(size of B)
Accessing ith element :
A.get(i) // O(1)
Setting ith element :
A.set(i, newValue) // O(1)
Size of the list :
A.size() // O(1) operation
Adding elements to the list :
A.add(newValue); // appends to the end of the list. O(1) operation.
A.add(index, newValue); // add the value at specified index. O(size - index) operation.
Python too has multiple ways of representing arrays. lists are used primarily for the purpose. In few cases, tuples are used when we desire the array to be immutable ( its desired that no one can change the content of the array ).
List declaration :
A = []; # declares an empty list. O(1)
Accessing the ith element :
A[i] # O(1)
Adding element to the list :
A.append(newValue); # O(1)
Size of the list :
len(A) # O(1)
Walkthrough example :